Quiz meet guidelines
Time: Registration begins at 8:00 AM for one day meets. Coaches, collect money
from your quizzers ahead of time and have tournament tally sheets for memory work
and question writing as well as lineups filled out to speed this process.
Meets usually run until 3:00 p.m. with awards following. We try to be headed on our
way home by 4:00 p.m. at the latest.
Cost: Quiz registration fees are $5.00 per quizzer. If you choose to eat at the church,
lunch is $5.00 per person. It is preferred that you eat at the church, as this allows more
flexibility in the scheduling.
Housing: For those needing overnight housing, please be at the church by 9:00 to meet
your host family. Bring sleeping bags and personal toiletries, and bring a thank you card
or mail one as soon as you get home. We want these people to know how much we
appreciate them sharing their homes with us.
Talent: Volunteer to share a special for one of the devotional times. We have some very
talented young people on this district and would love to have some quizzers share in
music or verse. Talk to Mrs. Miller to schedule a time.