- You cannot remove copyright notice from this design without our permission.
- If you modify this design it still should contain copyright because it is based on our work.
- You may copy, distribute, modify, etc. this template as long as link to our website remains untouched.
For support visit http://www.metamorphozis.com/contact/contact.php
Welcome To Our Website
This website template is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
You are allowed to use this design only if you agree to the following conditions:- You cannot remove copyright notice from this design without our permission.
- If you modify this design it still should contain copyright because it is based on our work.
- You may copy, distribute, modify, etc. this template as long as link to our website remains untouched.
For support visit http://www.metamorphozis.com/contact/contact.php
The Metamorphosis Design : 2011